The battle

Kind of being motivated somehow out of nothing, I wanted to stay on to battle, at least, until the crisis was over. Yet again, reality put me down. I was so lost, because sometimes I seemed to be taken granted for.

I wasn’t sure if I could leave, but meanwhile I wanted to contribute. I wanted to work hard. Suddenly they stopped. I didn’t know what was going on until some lay down and announced we were on strike. It wasn’t long after we had a meeting and nobody complained to the boss.

We might not be the first to be trialled but why shouldn’t we help others? I don’t know what the boss’ boss has done to them before, perhaps, giving them tons of shit to settle. It isn’t about who will be on the losing end but since we have time we can just put in a little effort. But it’s true that no matter what we do, we’ll get blamed and nobody will ever recognise our work.

I hate to remain ignorant to everything but I’m afraid to see more facts.

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