My website is running on a super duper server

[Monday, 26 June, 2006]

I was waiting for my sister to return to camp to collect some PA stuffs from her. Meanwhile, I went to collect keys from Jianhao and saw Mike who brought me to his office. He was working on his sites and he began to advise me for the at least fourth time.

He also helped me to set up an account to store files into his personal dedicated server, which cost around three hundreds plus per month. However, before I had uploaded my files into the new server, he configured my domain name “” to point into that URL and it took effect instantly. My domain was thus down again for that afternoon before I reached home to upload my files.

Mike is a great friend who is so unselfish.

So, my website is now hosted on a very expensive and high efficient server, which is shared only between his and my websites. This is so cool compared to others who are paying little but sharing their servers with so many other webmasters. It is also masked properly that it will point directly to the server’s URL instead of just opening the URL inside a frame.

Anyway, there was a bad news that Mike was not going to disrupt soon, but to wait for another year such that he would not have to lose more than thirty thousands dollars; therefore, he would not be renting his office space soon like planned earlier. My plan to learn things from him had to be postponed as well.

Without any doubt, I love my website more than ever now. Next is the plan to revamp it to make it neater.

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