The worst parade

[Friday, 30 June, 2006]

Even though everyone was so motivated this time and the PA system was so well set up, it was no about but the worst parade I had ever been through.

Kwang Han and I started off the moving after I got back from the MPH to help 2SIG solve a problem. The rest joined in after we almost set up everything except for the rostrum.

The sound was terribly bad at first until I went to the mixer and realised the effect mode was on; it reflected badly on the experience of the rest.

Everything was soon nicely done up and some of the big farks were down there complaining about the rostrum being old and ugly. It was exactly the same one which was used for all parades but we were told to bring one of the theatrette ones down.

The lab technicians gladly helped us again and spirits were still high until we reached the parade square and we were told that the VERY NICE rostrum was too big. Needless to say, we had to bring it back to the third storey.

ISM tried to console us that it was part and parcels of life and we could not voice out our angers of course since we were the lowest shit of the organisation. But his words accidentally implied the truth that the organisation was crap and such nuisance often happened.

So what if I were the one who gave that stupid instruction and the big farks were the ones who carried it all the way down and then towards the centre of the parade square, would they pardon me if I did not even apologise at all? Where on earth was fairness and why are ranks so important when people were not accordingly ranked based on capability, knowledge and attitude?

We carried it back with cursing and swearing all over the building and we did not stop until we got back to the parade square.

What really hurt me most was the fact that PES E guys who were not supposed to do any exercise had to carry things; if I could I would have stopped it. Therefore I concluded once again the PES system was a crap, not because it did not work but the official did not follow the rules. As for me, I had no intention to worsen m injuries again just before ORD but I had no choice; I knew as a leader I had to do the work myself, unlike others who actually had the commanding power in hands.

I was furious when I was told that when Quek asked some of them to arrange the cables properly after being messed up by the changing of rostrum, ISM told him not to be so polite. It reflected badly on him for the first time, changing my opinions about him.

The parade went well except for the noise caused by the wind hitting the microphones at times. The location of our system was unable to allow us to see the rostrum and therefore we could not switch on and off the microphones whenever necessary. There was a sudden lost of signals at Kenny’s wireless microphone when 1Wo Lim (the only person who smoked around the camp everywhere) played with our system by crossing the antennas over. We were penalised on this two points.

While we were keeping the system, everyone had already left for the food. Kwang Han and I went to collect for the rest but the queue was ultra long and that there seemed to be only two small snacks and a can of drink for each person. We gave up the idea of waiting. It was so pathetic.

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