Xinkai and Wenchang’s group video for AVFE project, year 2003; a very interesting movie trailer. Skai Chan @
Monthly Archives: October 2006
My second birthday present
[Sunday, 29 October, 2006] Gilbert wanted so badly to help me with the decoration of the chalet and we met up at Bugis. Nobody else was free except for Jielin. It was a bad day for me as the buns I took were causing indigestion somehow and I felt so awful. Another thing was when …
To the Career Fair
[Saturday, 28 October, 2006] When Kwang Han asked me if I were going for the Career Fair at Suntec City, it was still early and I had not confirmed with Wen Chang over it, so I said no. I checked with Wen Chang on our earlier plan to go but he was out with his …
New Guestbook
I have been ignoring my Guestbook since I have not found one really good one yet. For so many years, without changing, I keep to HTMLgears’ service from Lycos. I know the loading speed to view or sign it is hell slow but since nobody has complaint to me, I leave it alone. Recently there …
Say Goodbye
[Thursday, 26 October, 2006] This night when Wenhao suddenly messaged me in MSN to say “good night”, a recurrence of the past internet life came into my mind. That was the time when ICQ was ruling, other than IRC. There were fewer online chatters when unlimited internet account was not so widely used, and at …
Lagging behind time again, I am still having some blog entries to catch up with before forgetting. There are also some posted entries lacking the photos which I am supposed to upload. I cannot keep up with the pace anymore. Planning for the chalet is killing me when people cannot confirm whether they want to …
Photo-taking at Botanical Gardens
[Tuesday, 24 October, 2006] After so long, I finally got to meet up with XX Liang. He was my closest ex platoon-mate other than my bunkmates. We were supposed to meet up at 8am in the morning but suddenly he delayed the timing when I was almost ready to leave my house. I arrived much …
Down of Site – 281006
The server was down during early afternoon, sorry for any inconvenience caused. Current slow loading speed is due to the Tagboard. Skai Chan @
Final Day of Work at Warehouse Sales
[Friday, 27 October, 2006] In my second day of working in the warehouse sales, things did not go smooth again. Since I was told to reach there an hour earlier than the previous day, at nine o’clock in the morning, sleeping at two plus was killing me. The alarm clock and my phone failed to …
Part-time Job at Overseas Union House
[Thursday, 26 October, 2006] Yuqing introduced me to a part time job for his relatives and I was quite keen to take it up at first when I thought it was only for a day. Then, I got a disappointed as it stretched over the weekends when I had to go for the Career Fair …