My second birthday present

[Sunday, 29 October, 2006]

Gilbert wanted so badly to help me with the decoration of the chalet and we met up at Bugis. Nobody else was free except for Jielin.

It was a bad day for me as the buns I took were causing indigestion somehow and I felt so awful. Another thing was when I forgot to put the batteries from the charger into the camera and even the spare batteries were on the table as I took them out few days ago; I brought out a camera without any battery at all. There were nice moments waiting for my camera and it was really sad look at my pouch which held the camera.

Jielin arrived some time later and we met her up and went to Suntec City. We continued to shop for her shoes as Gilbert bought me a swimming trunk as my present. That was the second one I had received for this year’s birthday.

Jielin testing cap. My 6230I’s camera is lousy.

My second birthday present – Swimming trunk

We camped at MacDonald’s after that while we took our dinner. We sat and chilled up for more than an hour, trying to finish up the fries. It was near 7pm when we walked Jielin to the taxi stand and accompanied her to behind the long queue.

After that, Gilbert and I walked to the Cityhall MRT station and finally ended our day. It was a cool day.

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