My Birthday 2006

Ah Boon, Ivan, Edgar

7474 7373

Gilbert at work


Gilbert putting up decoration

Xiangxin the hero

Ivan gluing to his PSP

Gilbert and Ah Boon

Busy replying messages

Huiying babysitting Vivi

A gentle fight

Sam and his that one


The gathering

Starting the BBQ

Peh and Chua with Reuben behind

The syrup


Removing the plastic bag of the ice


The satay man

Topping up of charcoal

Gilbert going to hide my cake


With the two giants Ah Teck and Kok Chiang

With the two nurses Jielin and Grace

With the Twins Towers Pretty Yun and Fatty Si

With another hero Peh Peh

Edgar, Jonshit, Kwang Han, Radio James and Kailun

In between Ah Boon and Kian Hwee

With my sister Jenrice!!

With Ren Yao (Siew Chin) and her don’t-know-who

In between another two heroes – Tze Khit and Jianhao

With my mum

With my family – My Elder brother’s Girlfriend, My elder brother, My Younger brother and my mum.

With My “Jie Jie” Huiying

With Jialing

Angry with Xiangxin

Smile with Xiangxin

With my sister and her best friend (my sweetie)


Khong Wee, John, Felix, Junrong, Zhirong, Kailun

With one of the chefs – Reuben

With Rehan

With the satay man


Tze Siang, Kailun, Kengster, Hong Kiat

Kailun, Peh, Reuben, Kian Hwee, Chua

Ah Ma, Apple, Bee Kim, Orange

Chicken wings

With my brother Mingfa


Spastic face with the cake

Cake cutting beginning soon..

Elder brother, Mum, Me, younger brother

With girlfriends

With my mum and beloved sister

Cake cutting

Posing of wishing

With my mum

With Vivi



With my mum and her god daughters

My volleyball gang

My NS friends

With Jialing, Jamie, Tiffany, Apple, Meijun

Candle in the cake

Tze Khit treating me to eat cake

Revenge time

Clean up by mum

Fashion show

With Kaelyn and Ou Xiang!

With Tiffany after so many SMSes

With Kailin who came for the second night!

[Saturday, 04 November, 2006]

I woke up as early as 7am since Vivi promised to come at that time. However, she came only after eight and took a walk around with her god brother, probably to look at girls.

Later on, they went off for breakfast at Downtown East and most of the sleeping beauties were already up. We waited quite long for Fredrick who camped inside the toilet and decided to stroll off first since he could just come out anytime and catch up with us; but we lost touch with him ever since.

We had breakfast inside MacDonald’s and the ceiling continued to drip water to create a cave-like atmosphere in the urbanised place. Then, Vivi joined us with her god brother and sister. Gilbert, Ivan, Edgar and Ah Boon left for a walk whereas I accompanied the rest of them back to chalet.

We played Daidee for some time until Ivan and the rest came back. Gilbert started decorating the front area and some of them helped out, and sweated so much.

In the afternoon, Ivan wanted to go for cycling whereas I wanted to swim. However, I had problems with deploying of drivers to collect all the barbecue food which kept my phone so busy that I did not go anywhere.

Vivi and Huiying left to swim and this time Vivi was in her bikini; she wore it before but had never removed the outer shirts. The temptation of joining them was huge but I could not just leave everything to fate and wait for someone with car to attend the barbecue early.

My elder brother was there early with his girlfriend, bringing 300 sticks of satays along. Then, they left with my younger brother and mum.

Later on, Sam Toh arrived with his girlfriend and since they were not staying for the barbecue, I could not abandon them and go for a swim. We had great chat and this time Sam was looking more cheerful than ever. Being too cheeky, I punished him with a titbits bath.

Gilbert and the rest returned from their cycle trip and more people arrived. Chua and Gilbert were waiting for me to swim but I could not leave the mess behind. Peace came when Jianhao kindly promised to help me get the fried rice and fishballs from my neighbour (obviously he had not met before) at Tanjong Pagar and Peh offered to get the chicken wings, meat and fried mee hoon from my mum’s friend who stayed nearby.

Finally it was five plus, Chua and Gilbert were still waiting for me for a swim, whereas, Vivi seemed to be among them. However, the barbecue had to begin soon and I could not leave everything to them; it was irresponsible to do that.

Then, Jialing arrived while the rest of the volleyballers were all late; I felt quite bad that I did not know how to entertain her. As more people arrived, I realised I could not go for a swim anymore; I was the host and was supposed to entertain them. I also had to neglect Vivi while entertaining all my friends even though she could just tag along with me wherever I went.

Into later evening, the announcement of the arrival of the cake came about a plot. Vivi led me to the car park area and she claimed that the cake was somehow smashed during the delivery process. She claimed that her friend’s mum had given more curry puffs to compensate for that. The story seemed real and I was too tired to find any amiss until I saw a big rectangular box under the makeup table.

With the lack of sleep for days and walking about to entertain my friends, the anger of friends messaging me so last minute that they were not coming anymore torn down my body.

It was a blessing that I had friends who helped me to barbecue and settle everything that I could be dragged around by Gilbert to take photos with my friends. I did not even have a few bites of my food even though I was having gastric pain since early evening.

It was also the first time I washed crab meat stick and removed the transparent cover for each of them; my brother’s girlfriend helped me for a while as well which surprised me. Then, suddenly my mum was injured by the fallen ice and I realised it was a wrong move to make so many of them. That was the reason why I had to call some nurses to the barbecue.

It took me so much effort to make Tiffany come, which increased the number of times I had to look into my phone and exercised my hands. Hong Kiat’s arrival reminded me that I had forgotten to invite many good friends from his previous camp’s department.

Suddenly, Junrong told me that Zhirong was asking about Mr. Ng and I realised he did not get the news of the funeral, which was so sad. I felt so stupid so that I had failed to inform him about it ever since we stopped keeping contacts.

My sister Jenrice brought along her sweet friend had mesmerized some guys; then they were kind of being irritated by a guy who I got it in the first guess and sadly they had to put up with him for my sake. Anyway, none of my friends believed Jenrice was my sister.

Cake cutting was supposed to be around 10pm as planned by the fun started at around 9pm. Vivi and a few others (I could not remember) were asking me to start it early as quite a number of people had to leave already. I did not print out the guest list and did not realise so many of my volleyball friends were still on their ways.

So, we started taking photos and I was already so worn off that I did not know who had hidden from taking photos with me. Then, my mum, said to be drunk, pushed Vivi and I together and we had to take a kissing photo for them.

They realised I was hungry and wanted me to have the first bite of the cake. So, Mingfa hid a candle into a portion of the cake and I was supposed to remove it without using hands. Although I was well prepared with my palms holding the table tight, I could not resist Tze Khit’s power.

There was a little cake war between all the guests and me. I could have bathed them nicely if my leg was perfectly alright but I still managed to hug some of them to thank them for coming.

As I was turn into breaking down with the exhaustion, Chua’s sudden recommendation to go into the water caught me unaware. Even though I was so small size, I managed to give some resistance except that my left leg was restricting me from r
efusing their kindness.

They removed my spectacle and mobile phone from my pockets but not my big red packet.

More warm hearted hugs were offered to the guests after that for my first bath of the day as they left groups by groups.

I was supposed to house some of them but they saw that the chalet was packed and they did not want to squeeze together in case anyone would fart with the higher possibility.

Ou Xiang and Kaelyn aka Pauline came quite late and I could not persuade them to stay; apparently Kaelyn was sweet that she rushed over after work at around 9.30pm.

There were so much food left over but it was better than having shortage of food; at least this was the first time I organised a party by myself and with some very good advisors.

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