Hougang, Bukit Timah, Clementi and Volleyball

[Saturday, 03 March, 2007]

The day did not start off good, but perhaps, it was just me.

I was waked up by my mum’s numerous phone calls but decided to go back to sleep until Kaven sent me a message. I came to full conscious immediately when I read that he was meeting me at 2pm. I called him directly and realised he had cancelled his appointment and wanted to take a look around the surrounding of the Hougang flat.

I remembered about Mrs Ng’s SMS a week ago about a gathering. I tried to call her but could not get through her line and thus I called Sichun instead since his name was mentioned. I realised the gathering was on this day at 1.30pm, but I had to accompany Kaven to Hougang as his agent and most importantly, a friend. Jingkun called me and asked me if I wanted to join him at Clementi ITE. I had my sudden events aligned properly – Hougang, Mrs Ng’s house and Clementi ITE. I had intended to look for Ruoci at night but had to change the plan to the next day.

I felt quite sick especially with my throat. I could not even finish a quarter of my mum’s chicken rice. I could have been running a fever as well that my entire body was weak.

Just when I went down to wait for Kaven, I approached Lulu to arrange for time but realised she was dragging the date of handling over Uncle Sam’s flat. Most of her words were filtered off and I did not care whether if she was really going for another operation again because her tales had already exceeded my limits; her greedy character had totally turned me off that I was not going to take any pity on her in future whether if she was really a stray-animals lover.

I hopped onto Kaven’s car soon and it was the first time I realised the usefulness of a driving street directory book. We almost got lost but later we realised Kaven had marked the wrong flat on his printed out map. We walked around in the hot weather and both of us were quite pleased with the location and facing of the flat.

Uncleared table

Corridor to bedrooms

Kitchen with toilet and maid room behind

Living room

Scenery from balcony

The front view of the building besides

View from swimming pool’s side



Condominium besides

Then, Kaven drove me to Railway Mall and treated me to the Xiao Mei Kaya Toast. The milk tea was very nice but the service was extremely poor and disgusting. I had some bread and since I had not tried other brands’ before, I could not really compare the taste. Afterwards, Kaven showed me to his rented flat so that I could help him to advertise it.

It started to pour but stopped very soon. He droved me to Clementi and just when we had reached the swimming complex, Junrong called me and told me they were near the Clementi NTUC already. I was quite taken aback and was terribly disappointed for making the wasted trip down once again. It reminded me of the previous chalet which I lost track of them when I reached. Anyway, Kaven drove me over to pick up Junrong and then sent us to Clementi ITE immediately.

If all clients were as good as Kaven, I would probably stick on to this line forever.

I got changed and replaced my spectacle. It was a mistake that I did not use the older pair when I waked up for the slight changing of degree was giving me hell. The giddiness added to my sickness and I could have collapsed any time. However, I stick on to the game and sweated till I got better. Of course, I did terribly badly the entire day.

After Mingfa’s Zhenghua students left the place, we started playing among ourselves. It was until the Hwa Chong alumni arrived, we did some free spiking and I realised I had forgotten how to even take off. I was badly drained after practising but did not make much progress. During the matches, I had quite enjoyed myself with all the friendly people around.

Mingfa handed the key of the main gate to me and he left with Meijun in Mingen’s car. The rest of us had to wait for everyone to leave before locking up the gate. We took a cab over to the usual coffee shop. I tried the fish and chips and realised it was really not so fantastic as compared to the chicken chop.

We managed to catch the ending of the Manchester United versus Liverpool match when the only goal was conceded to Manchester United. The cheering all over the coffee shop was nice. After the dinner, Junrong and I took the same train home. It had been quite long since we last chatted together. His question pierced through my heart directly unintentionally when he raked up what Mingfa had told him days ago.

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