Worst of the Worst Day

[Tuesday, 13 March, 2007]

I tried to sleep as early as possible but it did not seem to work after all. Kelly woke me up at around 9am and sent the Bedok block 204 to my house. I had wrong estimation of time again and reached there around fifty minutes earlier.

I started taking out my book and tried to scribble something onto it. The neighbours’ kids got home and they stared at me innocently. Later on, George came up with the contractor and the kids started surrounding the door. I started talking to them and even helped them to take photos. Their liveliness was envious. Actually, I could not figure out their words properly for they were around four and five years old, and a few were younger. They were Malays, very hyperactive and friendly. I was quite worried for their loud noises might interrupt the conversation of George and the contractor. I also hoped they would not pose too great problems in future because George and his wife loved quietness. I left the place reluctantly because the kids were really cute.

Back alone on the train, it was packed. I was standing near the joint of the cabins and not holding on anything, so afraid to fall down if I were to doze off. There were a few cute girls nearby.

After reaching home, it did not take me long to doze off after finishing the nasi lemak bought by my mum. It was less than two hours of nap and I got up to clear up stuffs like forwarding of emails to clear up my mailbox. It was really tedious to forward the enormous amount of emails and there were still more than sixty of them left.

Just when I was about to pack up for volleyball, Kelly called me and finally she had time to help Cui Wei to search for the condominium, but there was no good news. It dragged on until rain began and stopped. I left the house feeling lucky but as I was reaching Clementi, the weather was terrible. The entire place was crowded with people and especially the taxi stand; it was where selfish people blocked the narrow sheltered area. I finally squeezed through the crowd and got myself a hot dog bun while I proceeded on. The grounds were flooded and my feet were soaked half of the time.

Before I could bury the regrets to go down to Clementi ITE in this terrible weather, the fact that my right shoulder hurt testified for it. I took very long to warm-up but it seemed to be waste of time. I did better than the previous time during free spike but Jingkun dampened my mood when he spiked the ball directly at my face when I was picking a ball outside the court and one of my spectacle lenses broke into two. I put on the other spectacle immediately but my mood had dampened once again.

At this point of time when I was shortage of money, the broken spectacle added on to my burden. If I did not get it replaced soon, I would not have any backup spectacle anymore and it could really give me big problem.

When the first match began, I was left out again. I felt like a spare tyre and would be needed only when they were shortage of players. Since I had not been playing for so long and that my legs were still weak from the operation and together with my other injuries, I had no right to say anything. Mingfa wanted me to play as libero but I felt so ashamed and was reluctant to go into the court.

It was a long wait before I could really go into the court but only to play with the opponents consisting of four women. I had a good chance to spike down a ball hard and my timing was so perfect, but I hesitated for the ladies inside the court. After some milliseconds of pause, I held back my strength but the effort was impressive enough to earn some compliments. It was such a waste. I continued with the game in my sloppiness for all the restrictions and unimportance. I also gave up on my digging for I knew it would take very long to remove all the rusts.

It was a lousy day and nothing could bring me up. The fact that Jianhao had made big bucks from property gave me another big blow for it proved my inefficient and lack of talent in this line.

I waited for quite long for Kelly to come to get the Bedok keys from me. She finally arrived and Mingfa passed them to her in my place for I just finished my shower.

There were four cars altogether for the trip for late dinner. Mingen had Tiffany and Meijun with him, Mingfa left in Wilson’s RX8 while I sat on Jianhao’s new Honda and the rest of them accompanied Weitat. We went opposite Bukit Timah Plaza and I took two plain and one chocolate roti prata.

Afterwards, Weitat sent an ex Shuqun guy home and followed by Junyang and Jingkun, before he drove me home. It was hour an hour to midnight by then.

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