[Wednesday, 09 May, 2007]
I worked until 4am and waked up at 9am. I was so tired that I continued to laze around on the bed even though I had planned to make my morning really meaningful.
Later on, I waked up to find my certificates and even borrowed a tie from my brother. I went down to get the certificates photocopied and preceded to the Lippo Building, which was so near to my house. There was a sign asking all visitors to report to the security guard like any other office building but since I was wearing so formal, I tried to act like one of the workers and was alert enough to find the correct lift fast.
I was brought to a room to fill in my particulars. It was a tedious job. Soon, I was given two sets of tests for they wanted to find out whether I was more suited to become a designer or content publisher. I checked my phone and realised Carol had replied me saying that I needed not wear a tie. I was quite lost while taking the tests for I had forgotten most of the stuffs I learnt during polytechnic days. Even for simple programming, I needed more time to get them refreshed. I was brought to another room to be interviewed by the manager called Kan Seng who was friendly to me. However, I behaved too lack of confidence that I guessed the company would not call for me if there were many other interviewees. One thing I was sure was that the company was going to expand by recruiting more staffs and the manager obviously would regard me as an honest guy.
I went home and dozed off soon. My brother and his girlfriend arrived home afterwards and tried to disturb me from my sleep. Just as I thought I could spend the rest of the day to finish up my own stuffs like updating of my old blog entries and photos, I was told that there was a viewing in the evening and Mingfa had promised his friend to have a meet up, such that I was the only free person to handle it.
Jianhao called me when I was waiting at the void deck. I knew his birthday was around but I did not remember seeing it on my website’s calendar for this day was only the babe, Sherry Ong’s birthday. Since this day was not Jianhao’s birthday, I guessed it was the next day and that was why he had asked Mingfa and the rest out as well.
I got to chat with Yvonne, the agent, and her clients were late. They were satisfied with the house for they were really easygoing, except that they had old parents and needed to know about the polling of the lift soon.
I went to Lot 1 to meet Jianhao. I loitered around there and got myself a cup of bubble tea. I felt quite uneasy for I was wearing long sleeve shirt which I had wore for the job interview in the morning instead of wearing a polo tee.
I messaged both Mingli and Xinyi since they stayed nearby, but both of them were in school. Mingli promised to join us but I had to wait for Jianhao. Mingfa and Mingen were around Alexander Road. Since they were going to Halo Bar which was so near to Mingli’s location, I hurried them to go and meet up with Mingli first.
Cars are parked diagonally – so weird |
Beautiful |
When Jianhao arrived, we went to meet his client immediately. We actually needed to press the buttons on the lift to talk to the owner first but we went in directly. After the doors closed, we realised the buttons could not work except for the alarm bell, which did not stop after five minutes later.
Jianhao called his client who came down to meet us. That guy was actually a colonel and that was why he looked so calm and respectable. The way Jianhao explained his situation was not very direct. We only got to leave after some time and I was very worried for I did not want Mingli to wait for too long. Before leaving the condominium, Jianhao was chatting with another client who was so nagging and thus we had to waste longer time stopping at the roundabout.
Alas we set off to join the rest and I was glad that they had arrived and met up with Mingli. I did not want to take any alcoholic drink but Jianhao got five bottles of Heineken and I tried to finish one bottle, which turned my face red fast. All of them already had their dinner except me and I was forced to buy some chicken popcorn type of finger food with chicken wings, which cost $6.50 each.
There were a few other volleyball players as well and among them there was a girl with hot figure. There was a pool table and karaoke but I participle in none and not even in their dice game because I did not want to drink more.
I hope Mingfa would not start mixing with friends at pubs.