Mingfa and I met up with her last Saturday before volleyball and we calculated the money earned for the past half year. I did not expect her to add in Kaven’s commission as well for she had clearly stated that she did not want to get any after she failed to attend the HDB appointment. That day, she put me in very awkward position to answer to the sellers and Kaven’s family, and eventually she had lame excuse not to turn up at the law firm.
We could have played bastards and not give her any cent since all the commission were under our names; Kaven thought likewise but it was obvious we could never do such thing, or otherwise we would be very successful in the real estate line already.
As I was very busy for the past few days, I did not transfer the remaining amount of money to her since I supposed she had strike it rich and was not very in need of cash. I was once again disappointed by her when I received a SMS from her to after me for the money.
It pretty much showed the amount of trust she had in me despite knowing my honesty. Clear self conscience could have solved the problem.
It’s very depressing to earn only around $3000 in half a year when everyone can easily triple that amount. Perhaps, I shall treat the loss as a lesson learnt.