Foolish Night

I did the stupidest thing hours ago. Weiyeow asked me to find candles for him and it was already 9.30pm, I got panic as Cherie might be disappointed.

Since Payar Lebar was near Chung Cheng High School Main and it could be Ruoci’s territory, I tried calling her to seek for help.

I scroll down my contact list and typed “Payar” and realised I did it wrongly. After erasing it, I typed her nick instead of nick. “She” picked it up fast and I thought her friend was holding to her phone. After repeating my name so many times and “she” could not get it, “she” told me to hold on. I checked my phone and realised I should be calling “Ruoci” instead.

After hearing suggestions from Ruoci, I went to the Singpost building’s NTUC supermarket but the lady told me they used to sell it. I went to Watson’s but had no luck. Just as I was standing outside Coffeebean, I made a call to Weiyeow in case he had already gotten the candles. As he told me he had not found it, I went inside and pleaded with one of the staffs to give me a candle for free. I was walking back to the pasar malam and made calls to Weiyeow. Minutes later, he called me back and told me he was at Coffeebean. I didn’t mind being fooled to enter Coffeebean through the main door and exit by the side door since I managed to see two sweet girls, however, Weiyeow told me he had ordered a cake through Coffeebean and thus we could easily get the candles. I was already in sweat.

As Terry arrived, we finally went into Coffeebean for my third time. We ordered some drinks while collecting the cake and I happily took four straws. I almost went berserk when I saw my drink was a hot one. Then I realised I should have ordered “Belgian Chocolate” without “Latte” behind.

More ex colleagues arrived and we had great chats in two groups. The four of us continued to test our stomach muscle when the newcomers left. It was until the staffs told us they were closing, I realised the last train was left long ago.

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