Beach and Dog

It’s good to be able to doze off at around 1am and sleep right till after 8am. I suppose the two main factors are – I slept for less than two hours the day before and I managed to doze off before the air-conditioner “warmed-up”.

We had a late beach outing yesterday and Guoxiong was supposed to meet me up for some serious discussion about the forum, and he was late for more than two hours. He came with Yali and his dog who was as strong as my ex dog – Jack. Our discussion was cut off half when Mingfa asked me to join in the game and in fact I had already typed out the few discussed points days ago.

I finally got to enjoy the “privilege” of a dog owner at the beach; while I was taking care of Guoxiong’s dog, girls were closer. I didn’t bring Jack along to the beach last time due to transportation problem. Along the way to the washroom, a girl commented the dog’s tail could be used as a brush, which seemed quite true.

I would still prefer Jack after all; he knew how to enjoy being petted especially on his throat and he would listen to commands like sit, stand, jump and lie on the back with “bang”.

We departed the beach early this time and I supposed Guoxiong and Yali didn’t have enough good time.

Dinner was at Vivocity’s food republic as usual. We had a new girl joining us and they went for movie after that whereas I was too fatigue and penniless to join.

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