The exhaustion caressed me to sleep within minutes upon lying on the bed while waiting for my favourite show. I woke up having a hangover. Skai Chan @
Monthly Archives: February 2008
Disgrace to the Country
Seriously, you have to have a good character more than doing well in studies and sports. It does not matter whether you are a scholar or even going to represent your country in any kind of sports, you are simply a thrash without character. Frankly speaking, if you are a scholarship holder or a national …
Dozed Off
I missed four straight episodes of “新醉打金枝” on channel 8. The first three times were due to reservist; and hours ago, I dozed off right before the fourth one started. The exhaustion was far too unbearable for a lost guy. The road breaks off right in front of the door. Each path leads to unknown …
Volleyball after Reservist
After missing two sessions of volleyball game, I finally got to get back to the court again. I was, however, hesitating to leave the house; there were too many things to do and I was just too tired. Sleepiness took control over me and I felt doped. This evening, there were another team who came …
Second Time to Changi Airport Terminal 3
It was my second trip to Changi Airport Terminal 3. The first time was together with Weitat, Mingfa and Mingli when they knew I had not been there since the official opening during January. We had Popeye and it was quite a great night after shopping at Chinatown during the Chinese New Year period. Two …
Time Race
I hate the fact that weekends always end so soon. Every Friday evening is almost wasted for the exhaustion, but I would struggle till the next morning still. I always start off Saturdays in the afternoon, but the tiredness drag me down on my work. During evening, it is time for volleyball and then I …
Speechless Again
We grow older and drift away further. It is not time that separates us but my own isolation. You progress to learn and merry around each day; while in the other side of the earth a lonely guy is just trying to survive. You are the most elegant woman in this world. You smile a …
51 to 05, Do You Still Want Your Ferrari?
For the past few days, it was not even half as relaxing as what I had expected. The mental stress was a torment. I was one of the most “unluckiest” ones because most of them basically did not need to do anything. I slept at almost any time of the day but not for longer …
Continue reading “51 to 05, Do You Still Want Your Ferrari?”
Reservist – Outfield
For the next few days I will not be able to reply SMS fast. And for most people, I do not have your contact numbers because I’m using another phone and my old SIM card’s phonebook storage is too small. If you SMS me, please leave your name at the back. Skai Chan @
The treatment for reservist and national service personnel differ too much. Life was not that bad after all. A pity for it was not a weekday and I could not get to see other officers. I did not expect to have to stay in but the fact is that there is outfield the next week. …