Happy Teachers' Day

I had an enjoyable day slacking at home on Monday. It was a rare holiday and I knew I need to relax myself.

I managed to update some blog entries for August with pictures and I was pleased with the effort for the code generator which I did weeks or months ago for changing the images’ codes to my customised type within seconds. I was not able to automate the adding of water benchmark though.

I also had a few sessions of Condition Zero using the new nice monitor after testing around with the setting to realise that the software given simply sucked to the core. At a few occasions, my entire screen brought “Residence Evil” to reality. Luckily, with my familiarisation with changing the resolution for Windows XP, I was able to save the beyond-recognise display.

So much for work and fun, I almost forgot to drop my teachers greetings. I put my usual multitasking skill into good use, but was quite disappointed with my lack of focus on each individual task. Eventually, I missed out some of the teachers.

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