Wrong Perception – Slow

Perception – whether in a good or bad view, it is hard to avoid being misunderstood. In many unforeseen and unavoidable situations, we are judged from a distance away.

When we are packing up and rushing off to join friends who are already waiting, there will be chances colleagues halt us because our movements somehow simulate their brain cells to recap about some issues we need to discuss upon; nobody is at fault for this common symptom.

These interceptions have kept me occupied for the past nine months and hence, sometimes I go to class late. I have never anticipated any problem until I realise I’m being deem as slow in knocking off from work mainly due to all the entertainments along the path to the door.

As a matter of politeness and responsibility, we should never just simply walk off, especially when the conversation is about work.

There are always things to be completed before we can leave the office, and in order to shut down the extremely snail-like laptop, we have to make sure all opened documents are being saved and closed properly. In some occasions, we have to even plug in the thumbdrive to let the wonderful system detect the presence before we can transfer files over to bring home to continue working. Locking up of important or sensitive files and documents, and especially the laptop consume time as well.

It can be very astonishing and disappointing to the fact that I have tried my best to fasten my pace – very often, the laptop is already dumped into the cabinet before the screen has shown the “shutting down” logo. Yet, this problem of colleagues halting me along the way remains unsolveable. I feel totally uncomfortable to reply, “Let’s talk tomorrow. Bye!”

It is a failure that I’m unable to act like a mirror. No doubt, it is good enough as long as I’m happy in whatever I do which I think is correct. In any case of misunderstanding, it cannot be helped.

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