Badminton in Muscle Ache

On Wednesday morning, the aching from Monday evening’s jog seemed to have worsened. I felt like my legs were giving ways at times and it was irritating.

I resumed my marking work and almost completed it before lunch, except with some doubts. Lunch was at canteen.

The highlight of the day was the badminton session for the sweating out and laughers. I applied the muscle rub so much and the massaging did help a lot in relieving the pains on my entire legs.

I started off playing with Mr Baey’s students and when Vivian paired up with me, the guys made me run so much to cover the entire court. Playing with Mr Neo was quite weird since his skill was good and I kept helping him to lose points.

After the game, Dorothy sent both Weiming and I to Clementi MRT station, and thus saving us time and strength.

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