Orientation at SIM

On Thursday, Daniel and Jennifer went outstation; Kevin met up with his friends while Weitat had pizza with his students. Jingkun and I went to Tradehub21 for lunch together with Mahani.

We had the Muslim’s mixed vegetable rice and it cost me four bucks with the syrup drink. The food tasted okay. We went to Bukit Batok for Jingkun to vacuum his car before going back to office.

Badminton commenced as early as three-thirty PM. Dorothy brought her son, Joseph, along. We had Weitat, Jingkun, Meihoe and Mr Neo. Mr Ng arrived later. We had some problems for two rackets were spoilt when the strings decided to let go. Like usual, I had my last game with Mr Ng and the exhaustion extorted sweat from me. I went to bathe before waiting for a long time for bus 52.

After reaching SIM, I proceeded straight to the administration office to pay for my school fee. I was late for the orientation at level four. My name was not in the list since I did not pay up the fee earlier.

The lecture hall was small to my liking. There were only a few girls around. I noticed there were quite a number of groups around and somehow, I regretted not finding any friend to join in the fun. My greatest worry was when it came to group projects, I might not be able to get good team members. Alas, the FYP group was going to be selected by the school.

The briefing was dry and there were parts which I could not catch properly. There were people who reached later than me and one of them seemed to be a babe.

The talk ended at around nine PM and I had to cross the road over to wait for bus 75. It seemed like the same babe was taking bus at the same bus-stop. I was not luckier than that.

The journey home set lots of thoughts in my mind. The time spent on blogging each day and the number of blogs I had to update were far too time-consuming. There was somehow no time for my new projects, which had been delayed for more than a year. When school started, I might have to give up most or even all of them.

Nevertheless, another worry was my sleeping habit. I was used to sleep at late hours, which I had failed to kick the bad habit over years. Usually, I got sleepy during the evening after work and could take some naps, however, it was impossible when school started. It was impossible for me to take a nap at home since I had no bike or car and hopefully I would be able to find somewhere to catch a nap in the afternoon when there was no work.

At night, I reinstalled my MSN to test for the webcam and to my amazement, the latest version of MSN, MSN Live version 2009 was out. I would not have noticed it if the layout was not changed into a cuter style, but everything was larger than the previous one I was using. Anyway, I used to crack the MSN and thus, I was not very certain of the changes and improvements. Another obvious change was the status, which only allowed “Online”, “Away”, “Busy” and “Appear Offline”. Where was the “Out for Lunch” status? They could have taken out the last status, “Appear Offline”, so that the contact list would not become a deserted place like the olden days’ ICQ.

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