Last Friday was the final two assignment submission of the Database module. The struggle inside the office to accomplish the task 4 and assignment 2 caused mild headaches.
I refused lunch out but luckily, my buddies changed their minds and decided to stay in school that I did not need to packet my rice from the canteen.
I failed to progress much in my work. However, it was a good learning process to piece my UML diagram from papers into MS Word. It was never my fore.
Just after I was joking with Hasnah to get her down to SIM to have her dinner, I met Josephine Ong who offered to give me a ride. I was quite embarrassed for I managed to find out she was actually not on her way. We did not have much time to chat because her Masda2 picked up too fast at the traffic lights.
I grabbed a burger and finished it before going into the lab, which was supposed to be empty after 5.30pm, burying my head into the computer screen again. It was a torture to eyes and mental.
I was quite ashamed of myself for not able to recall everything Mr Japit taught, but, a small clarification managed to resolve most of the doubts.
Yuanle’s little pointer solved a big problem of mine for the database. I struggled through the remaining work with me after ten PM. I felt quite embarrassed for making Mr Japit stay back – it reminded me of what I had done for others previously.