[Thursday, 29 April, 2010]
For as hard as I tried to sleep at 2am, the month of bad habit refused to my determination. I took more than an hour to doze off.
I woke up before 6am and the dark cloud cooled my enthusiasm down. Nevertheless, I began preparing for the camp. I was welcomed by the good weather when I stepped out of my house at around 7am. I stood all the way in the train from my place to Joo Koon. Seeing smokers in school uniforms on the way was demoralizing.
A stage was set up near the lake. Hirman was not the emcee like the previous time and I could see a big difference in the crowd’s response. On the other hand, everything was run more smoothly than the previous time, which Hirman claimed “auto run”.
I started my job soon but was never confident because the Sony camera was not with me. Using the old Olympus D-750, I was not able to capture moving objects easily especially when the light was slightly dim. However, there was this great advantage of being able to zoom ten times into my target, which most cameras could not do it. I missed out quite a number of precious moments.
I was impressed with the lunch set for it was a hundred times better than the previous camp’s food. With my laptop and the wonderful wireless internet access at Singapore Discovery Centre, I was able to go online as when I liked. Nevertheless, the purpose of my laptop was more for transferring files from my old camera. I faced quite tough situations when I was asked to help look after some equipment inside the room while using the laptop, such that I was not able to go out to continue with photography.
A late announcement of students having to go home caught me extra busy for a moment. I was asked to walk them to the MRT station together with Farahi. One of the girls was too afraid to highlight that her parents were on the way to pick her up and she walked slowly until I questioned her. I suggested her to get her parents to meet us at Joo Koon MRT station instead but they were already approaching. Therefore, I signalled Farahi to continue the walk while I stayed behind near the bus-stop. The parents arrived soon and I raced my feet towards the MRT station to meet up with the rest to stun them with my speed. I had a great chat with Farahi on the way back.
The darkness of the night restricted phototaking badly with the cameras on my hands. I spent the last few hours preparing the video for Hirman to broadcast to the students.