竟在繁忙时脑中浮现了一首歌,眼眶突然挤满了水滴,不知是疲惫或感伤。深夜里的孤独也是一种庆幸,因为上苍赐了个懂得对你好的人。爱不需要占有,更不用说出口,爱要你幸福。 Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com
Monthly Archives: June 2012
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W2QyqGY25M 那一夜,雨后的天晴鼓起了热舞,我几乎不敢相信事实,你和我单独共享一夜美景。我看着你的笑容,刺疼了我的心。我离你曾经的快乐好远,心酸就仿佛夺走了我的生命。我要给你的好多好多,是整夜都给不完的幸福。 我知道他人都会笑我太傻,因为我病得不轻,走过的路仿佛都有我拖着的脚印,我仍然为你前往。毕竟这是我梦寐以求的一夜,就算要我趴着、滚着,就算天崩地裂,我都会撑着去见你。 我是最幸福的人。我终于可以和你长时交谈,而能帮你减轻你的委屈是我的快乐。那一夜我盼望着路会更长、时间会停止。 可是就在那一夜,我们开着玩笑时我终于发现了我早已失去了我的生命力。我沉默了好几阵子,你也似乎没留意到我的哀伤。这突如其来的剑好锋利,刺穿了我的心。 我不愈的病加重,而那说好已麻木的心却哭了出来。一个简单的问题,我却要十多公里后才开得了口。那是我半年前的预测,如今却还是难以收拾这沉重的心情。再度失去的悲哀无法用言语来表达,遗憾在我心上刻了永恒的疤痕。因为当初没更努力,我终于学会了后悔。 就在每个漆黑的夜晚我会更想念,回味我们吵吵闹闹、口不对心的暧昧,因为这一切是我最快乐和珍惜的时光。和你交谈时的顺畅,不需要掩饰,更不用提防,绝对无人可取代。 祝福的话我开不了口,伤心也说不出嘴,只有心中期盼着他能给你真正的快乐。憔悴里千百个不愿意最终只能希望你在快乐和悲伤时都会想起我,因为无论在何时或何处,我都会义不容辞地捍卫着你。 Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com
Words are Cheap but They still Rule Eventually
People who know how to create opportunities are usually the winners. There are too many things I feel are hypocrite to do and thus I’m avoiding them. I’m a person who does not over-promise and I believe actions will prove everything. I think I’m right yet I’m very wrong in another aspect that there may …
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Happy Father’s Day
Be glad if you are able to celebrate Father’s Day with your dad. I do not have the chance and not anymore. He was a drinker, gambler and smoker. My dad had numerous bad habits but nothing could beat his love for the family. He and my mum gave me what I had today. I …
A Crazy Night
Sometimes, I do crazy things without thinking when there is no time to even hesitate. I hate to give up chances, which I have been doing. The usual thought “how many ten years’ do we have” has been emerging in my brain a lot. I held my bladder and dashed through the late night of …
My Buddy’s Best Buddies
I have been thinking a lot about friendship over the past few days. I have made many great friends through schools, sports, national service, work and Internet, but my life seems to be empty somehow. There are many friends whom I trust a lot and I’m prepared to sacrifice for them any time, and there …