“Take volleyball out of my life and I shall see you as put me into prison!“
- GESS (1997-1999)
I took up volleyball as CCA in the middle of secondary 2 and improved on my dull life. Without a certificated coach, the team managed to get into the national level when I was in secondary 4(1999). During that time, there were no girls’ team in GESS and the team had its intake once every few years.My teammates and I expected a coach to be employed for the future generation after we got into the national level. When the new batch of volleyballers started off in 2000, we saw to our disappointments. I go back often, because I want to see my juniors to a better standard.
- PJC (2000-2001)
My group of ex-teammates of PJC were a bunch of sporty teenagers. I received helps from them in school. With good leadership and teamwork, with understanding and forgiving, we had never quarrelled among ourselves. Our coach was Wang Po(from China) and he was the 1st professional coach who coached me.Into top 8 in the tournament, our fights stopped after a fatal lost to NYJC. I was proud of some of my teammates who played the game for only a year. It was that period of time, my digging skill impressed many people.
- BMCC (2000-****)
Joining BMCC volleyball adds fantasy to my life. I’ve my ups and downs there. Most of my teammates are jokers and I spend most of my outdoor life with them. Under Mingfa’s leadership, we have peace and laughter most of the time. Sadly, my height and skill could never get me into the main team. Yet I’m being forbidden from playing for other teams during tournaments. My skill improved from a newbie at first but dropped as the teacher didn’t go down for years.We’ve many newcomers joining us and sometimes I feel uneasy. I had my greatest insult once during training when a newbie setter set none of the balls to me after rounds of game because my teammates were tall giants.In year 2001, I forked out $80 for the registration fee for youth cup even though I wasn’t in the team. Michael Ong didn’t keep his promise to claim the money back till now.In year 2002, which was the last legal year for me to take part in youth cup tournament, Michael Ong entered 2 newbies into the team. I was left out because they were much taller than me. Slowly, I come to realise that hard work is useless; without height, you will not be given chance. Perhaps, with good height, you could enter the team for tournament even though you’ve never joined the team for training before and even if you’re just a beginner.In year 2003, Michael Ong asked if we wanted to take part in the open cup tournament to gain experience. Just a few weeks before the tournament, he entered 4 outsiders into the team as main players. I knew he was biased against me because he inserted another newbie into the team. All my teammates were left demoralised. The senior setter gave up his place; my buddies wished to lose every game to get out of the tournament.In year 2004, four of our main players were in NS. Without a setter, the remaining of us played badly in injuries. I was given the chance to play as libero because of Weitat’s absence but it was already too late; eversince I left PJC more than 3 years ago, I didn’t have any proper training. My astigmatism caused me the greatest grieve, together with my worn-out shoes on the extremely slippery Hougang Sports Hall’s court. I skated around like a newbie.
- NP
With some of my teammates in NP, Michael Ong forbidded us to play for the school as the coach was his enemy. In my 3rd year, the coach was changed but Michael Ong didn’t change his mind. We could have defied the unreasonable rule but the new coach was a big asshole. Needless to mention his bad-role face, he chose tall players into the court and left the shorter ones aside.
- Obstruction
I can’t keep my life away from volleyball; I can play everyday, even with muscle aches. There’re times when I can’t perform well, I do get sick of the game. But slowly, I realize I’ve over-exhausted myself to perform. My height is my greatest obstruction, it’s my family genes. I’ve to use greater strength in order to jump as high as others, it’s a great disadvantage.
- Gaining experiences
Due to the fact that I join the sport late, I wasn’t taught step by step. I knew about the different positions only in year 2000 which was about 3 years after stepping into the game after joining PJC and BMCC. Then I started into proper spiking.I’ve the chance to join Chung Cheng High Secondary Main(CCHSM), Clementi CSC, Commando and other teams under Michael Ong in their trainings. This gives me the chance to cover up for my lack of experiences during secondary school times.
- Injuries
My digging skill improved during end of 1998 in GESS when my seniors came back to give us proper coaching. However, the sudden intensive training caused my permanent back injury.The diving during PJC days had injured my right knee so badly that I would be in pain upon contact with the floor. I sprained my index and middle fingers on my right hand during 2000 and I could not do spiking properly. The injury took almost a year to recover.My best spiking days were during end of year 2001. However my confident days didn’t last long after a bad sprain to my right middle finger when I was in CCHSM. The shape of the finger is distorted till now and the finger is weak. After that incident, my skill has dropped to a standard that I’ve thought of giving up the game many times.
- The Sacrifice
Even with my willingness to sacrifice during the game, my sprained fingers, injured right knee and back are causing me pains. It hurts, but I have to continue diving and dashing for the ball; I know I’ve to, in order to cover up for my lack of skill. Volleyball is a team game, not for individual; every member should do his best.
“This world is cruel for I shall concede defeat in tears…“