Reviews on The Residence @ Bintan resort stay by Gilbert

Gilbert has saved me lots of time to write about the stay! Here’s his review on the stay, which he has posted onto TripAdvisor. Please ignore the typo errors! I seldom write hotel reviews, but this place was really one of the exceptionally good resorts that I have been. Me and my 2 friends stayed …

Computer Issue Solved

I bought a new computer… not. During last year’s March, I left my computer for a while to take a break from work and I returned to my computer being restarted. The windows 10’s updates did the ridiculous restart and it had probably given me a few minutes to halt the action while I was …

吳克群 – 像傻子般爱着

人们说爱情是什么 无悔无怨 付出 以前我不太懂 但自从遇见你那刻 心跳 呼吸 全都不由我掌控 像个傻子般的爱着 你的眼神 一举一动 牵动着我 也许我不会是 最后 那个人 也要 化作恒星 守护你左右 爱有多重 伤就多痛 这道理我都懂 你的眼泪 你的难过 全都由我来拯救 我只要你能快乐 的过 剩下的 伤痛 交给我 像个傻子般的爱着 你的眼神 一举一动 牵动着我 我会像是港口 在这 等你停泊 我要 化作恒星 守护你左右 爱有多重 伤就多痛 这道理我都懂 你的眼泪 你的难过 全都由我来拯救 我只要你能快乐 的过 剩下的 伤痛 交给我 爱有多重 伤就多痛 这道理我都懂 你的眼泪 你的难过 …

Words are Cheap but They still Rule Eventually

People who know how to create opportunities are usually the winners. There are too many things I feel are hypocrite to do and thus I’m avoiding them. I’m a person who does not over-promise and I believe actions will prove everything. I think I’m right yet I’m very wrong in another aspect that there may …

On the Verge of Collapsing

Life has become more unpredictable than ever since the beginning of this year. My younger brother and I were always at loggerheads when we were young. He has, however, grown up to become a very sensible person and we become very close. As I have been putting stress on myself without taking much rest, I …