Spread the Love – March 2017

I got a dinner date with Guoxin and appreciated that he was one of my old good friends who would contact me to meet up once in a while. He also showed excess concern about my progress in photography. I forgot to book a timeslot for my haircut and my hairdresser kindly slotted me in. …

Spread the Love – August 2016

My mum noticed that I had many photography equipment lying around and she packed some space at the shelf previously used to put Luckie’s stuff for me to store things. Gilbert had a free movie ticket as one of his colleagues fell sick and could not go. He even picked me up to go over …

Spread the Love – June 2013

Thanks to Ahpa Saeyeoh for introducing me to her friends Dickson and William. Dickson has studied Chinese medication for more than three years while William is currently understudying him. Both of them have improved on my back’s condition. My back problem had lasted for nearly 15 years. It was worsened during my NS days due …

VIP to the Max – Very Inconsiderate People

Everyone needs freedom, but freedom does not come easy when we have to consider for others. Each time, we should put ourselves in other people’s shoes. What is so difficult about following a big group of friends to different stations when the initiate plan is to go and leave together? There is no rule to …

SAF Medical Review at Payar Lebar Airbase

I started Monday with low morale with the invasion of the rain. It was an unforeseen situation that I did not put into consideration while planning for the afternoon’s medical review at Payar Lebar Airbase; I was too concentrated on planning how to get there on time. Due to the rain, I did not go …

Aunt's First Warding at the Hospital

Most people were rushing to finish marking their papers and words were exchanged; somehow the spirit was good. On the other side, it seemed to be a quieter day for Weitat and me in the absence of Jingkun. We went to Clementi’s bookshop to search for Weitat’s book cover while I started drooling over the …

51 to 05, Do You Still Want Your Ferrari?

For the past few days, it was not even half as relaxing as what I had expected. The mental stress was a torment. I was one of the most “unluckiest” ones because most of them basically did not need to do anything. I slept at almost any time of the day but not for longer …