I slept Early

[Tuesday, 8 February, 2011] I finally achieved sleeping before 2am because I had a bottle of alcohol hours before that. I woke up after 9am and lazed around. After sharing with my elder brother about some points in PowerPoint Slides, I went to the office at noon. I started doing administration work for the tuition …

Typing a Feedback Email

[Friday, 28 January, 2011] I got home at around 2am from the chalet and started typing a complaint email against NTUC Costa Sands Sentosa Resort until after 6am before I went to sleep. I woke up eventually at around 2pm. It was a rainy day and I worked mostly on SEO for the tuition agency …

An Unintentional Open Challenge from Unknown

[Wednesday, 19 January, 2011] Into the morning of Wednesday, I managed to push the article Tuition Agencies Singapore to live. Eventually I slept at 5am. I continued my day at 12.30pm and reached office at 2pm. Upon checking my inbox, I saw an email from someone who wanted to rent me his website because he …

A Disappointing Miscommunication

[Tuesday, 28 December, 2010] I went to sleep at 3am. After my alarm clock sounded, I went off to sleep since I thought Mike would message me. I woke up at 11am and went to the office. We went to Everton Park but decided to cross over to Pinnacle at Duxton’s Kopi Tiam. We had …

Woke up in Giddiness

[Friday, 5 November, 2010] I started my Friday morning replying to Facebook’s birthday greeting comments. Thoughts went through my mind. Then I continued with my website. I had webcam session with Anthea and continued with some work before going to bed at 7am. I woke up at 4pm, feeling drowsy like as if I was …

Reservist Day 3 – The Test was Over Again

[Wednesday, 3 November, 2010] I worked on my website until 2.30am. Even though I woke up at 5.30am, I dozed off again and my mum saved me at 6am. I met Terry on the train and we waited a while for Kang before going to the bread shop. I got myself a bun for breakfast. …

Email Marketing

[Sunday, 31 October, 2010] It was an abnormal morning. My younger brother, mum, Lucky and I were at our neighbour’s house. Then, we brought the lady’s daughter and son over to look at my house, which the mum did a couple of hours ago. I did email marketing while surfing net and finally went to …

Overslept for 3pm’s Haircut Appointment

[Thursday, 28 October, 2010] I had feedbacks from Yuqing, Yaozhong, Yingying and Jianwei regarding the design of my tuition agency website and all of them had different opinions on both the original and new formal looking design. The hesitation was killing me. I continued working on the website on its contents without making any major …

The Lucky Two Smiles because of Lucky

[Friday, 22 October, 2010] My mum and I went down to the third storey to take our shower. We brought along Lucky as usual and we took turns to look after him. As usual, I spent my morning working on the tuition website. Eventually, I spent hours typing emails to get helps for the website. …