无论月再圆,有些爱情故事也无法圆满结束。 Photo: 29.09.12 Quote: 30.09.12 Final editing: 03.10.12 Camera: Sony NEX F3 Freehand
Tag Archives: picture
Merry Christmas!
Enjoy the long weekend! Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com .
Life Totally Sucks
Life sucks. Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com .
Men inside a Man
There are many men inside a man, for example, love, caringness, kindness, passion… etc. All of the thousands of qualities make him up. When one is killed, he is still alive, but a different man. Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com .
Reap what you Sow
Mei Hoe helped me to apply the Chinese ointment thrice, rubbing my nerve with full strength, causing sweat penetrating through my skin. I did not know what to say but I knew I deserved it well. It was my own fault. At least I could grab myself onto the chin-up bar already. Perhaps, one lesson …
Third Visit to Marina Barrage
There, I’m advancing alone again in my staggering steps. If I fall, will you pick me up and bring me to my destination, along the chaotic paths to the beautiful Barrage? Two Saturdays ago, I finally went for a jog after missing it for countless months. I was sad that I could only use the …
Tuesday, 30th June, 2009
Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com .
Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com .
Emily Wants to Eat
I want to eat.. shh… it! Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com .
Henderson Waves with Family
Sunday started off in the morning with my elder brother’s plan to have breakfast at Amoy Street. We were, however, so unlucky that the stall was having a two day break. Therefore, we had chicken rice instead. So, my elder brother and his girlfriend and my mum shared half a white chicken and half a …