
[Thursday, 25 May, 2006]

The meet-up with my ex NP classmates were great as David Francis was present too. I was late but they did not blame me for they knew I was sending my girl home and that I had informed Lynn in the early afternoon already.

I was more than an hour late although I was speeding through Citylink, finding them at Suntec City NYDC. I could not believe they had already finished their dinner. I did not want them to wait for me and thus did not order anything though it was already near 9pm and my stomach was still empty.

We left after some time and walked around at Carrefour as Yongming left us. As usual, I found it difficult to understand David’s words due to his accent and as well as my poor language, but still found it great to chat with him. From mentor to friend, he was such a nice person.

It was so sweet of him to remember stuffs about three years ago when we first met in the classroom. As usual, I came up with some questions he might find weird and was able to learn things from him. Lynn and her boyfriend left after that whereas David and Jason accompanied me to McDonald’s for dinner, where we had a long chat.

David gave me encouragements for my future and we were looking forward for outings in future with more people.

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