One of the songs I like from 慈濟 (Tzu Chi) is 跪羊圖 (Gui Yang Tu).
Website of Tzu Chi:
Not many people would appreciate it but from an angle of arts, it is beautiful. Of course, it is not a Jay Chou’s song and thus you should not repeat the song more than ten times at one go before you get sick of it.
To me, it is a song children should listen to because of the beautiful contents. It is an educational song, teaching virtues which every human being should possess – filial. It would be good if someone who understands the lyrics could explain the meaning to the kids.
Personally, I was involved in the rehearsals of the “父母恩重难报经” (The profound parental love) musical show and heard so much of the solo singings, with the actors’ enthusiastic to bring out the meaning, I felt so touched by the song; it cannot be explained.
You may preview the song below but please buy it if you think it is good. Get back to me if you sincerity want to buy the album, I’ll get my Vivi to do it free of service charge for you.
跪羊圖 by 蕭蔓萱,謝文德
古聖先賢孝為宗 萬善之門孝為基
禮敬尊親如活佛 成就生命大意義
父母恩德重如山 知恩報恩不忘本
做人飲水要思源 才不愧對父母恩
小羊跪哺 閉目吮母液
感念母恩 受乳恭身體
膝落地 姿態如敬禮
小羊兒 天性有道理
人間孝道 及時莫遲疑
一朝羽豐 反哺莫遺棄
父身病 是為子勞成疾
母心憂 是憂兒未成器
多少浮雲遊子夢 奔波前程遠鄉里
父母倚窗扉 苦盼子女的消息
多少風霜的堆積 雙親容顏已漸老
莫到懺悔時 未能報答父母恩
為人子女 飲水要思源
圓滿生命 盡孝無愧意
兒女心 無論在何地
給雙親 一聲感恩您
[I will update this post with the English explanation of the lyrics]