Shop with Brother and NP Gathering

Last Saturday afternoon, I went to Marina Square with my younger brother for shopping spree. Both Topman and Fox had discounts and since my brother owned both Citibank and UOB cards, we had more to gain. I got myself a top from each of the shops. There was a cute Malay staff at Topman, while Fox’s staff was ultimately helpful. Both shops were great.

After walking around the Japanese Muzi shop to laugh over the over priced stuffs, we went to level 3 to look at furniture to sigh over our messy house. On the way to Cityhall MRT, I met Zhengfang.

I caught up with Lynn, Ziying and Jason at Commonwealth MRT. Wenchang joined us and we proceeded to the famous Two Chefs Eating Place where we waited for Huiwen and her hubby, Eric, to arrive. The place was packed and we were offered tables again and again but to end up having to give up to others since our headcount was not completed yet.

After dinner, we made our way to Holland Village’s Coffee Bean. Right at the non-air-conditioned place, there were a few sweet girls. It was a nice catching up even though we missed many ex classmates.


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