Skype with Caiping and Peiyun

[Friday, 7 May, 2010]

It was a good morning chatting with Caiping through Skype for she was asking me questions regarding her project and she needed to show me her desktop. It was the first time I used Skype after installing it a few days ago. After that, Peiyun messaged me as well but we did not chat for long for I woke up my up a couple of time and that the network did not seem to be stable. In the midst of all the chats, I was busy improving SmokeForWhat and also updating my jokes site.

I woke up late and dozed off many times in the warm weather after eating the nasi lemak bought by my mum. I tried hard to work on the sCreative website again but the lack of inspiration put me to sleep many times. It was an ultimate boring day.

I went for a late night jog at the third storey at around 11pm and rushed home to catch my Korean show at channel U. My timing for the jog was 14 minutes 42 seconds and I realised I should never jog right after going to the toilet.


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