Dinner at Amara Hotel Food Court

[Thursday, 9 September, 2010]

I worked through my new website and went to bed at 8am. I woke up at 3pm to continue with my work.

In the evening, I was planning to go down to the gym after missing it for a week but my younger brother called and we decided to go over to Amara Hotel for dinner together with mum. I went down to find my mum before we crossed over the road together. I saw my younger brother going up the escalator sneakily and we thought he was trying to play hide-and-seek with us. My mum dragged me to the lifts. In the end, my younger brother explained that he was trying to look around and not trying anything funny.

He bought a set meal from the Hong Kong food stall and my mum got her Thai food, which was pathetically little in quality. I had a Korean chicken set and it was rather costly. After the dinner, we shared a bowl of sea cucumber dessert. We finished the 7pm Taiwanese show “Love” before leaving the food court.

At night, I went jogging with my younger brother at the third storey and completed seven rounds in an area smaller than my usual route. I was surprised that I was still able to do eighteen chin-ups when my entire body was weak.


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