Met the Greedy Witch while Walking the Dog

[Monday, 27 September, 2010]

I slept at 4am and woke up at around noon. The wall’s clock inside the room was lagging by an hour and I thought I had made an achievement of waking up before noon.

I took the afternoon to blog and work on the website. I was too engrossed that I missed my favourite show “Liu Bo Wen” and thus I started searching for it online. The story was based on China’s Ming dynasty when the descendants of the Yuan Empire wanted to overturn the new kingdom to revive their Mongolians’ pride and glory. It was more interesting than the modern days’ detective stories.

At night, my brothers and I went down to walk the dog. My younger brother brought his new Waveboard along. Unfortunately, we met Lulu at the third storey and she talked to my brothers, and asked them to view her two Jack Russell. My younger brother had long forgotten how cunning this lady was as it was some time ago when I told him about how money-minded she could get. They followed her to see the dogs and I went home soon since I did not want to waste my time waiting alone.

It was a weird world where some people could be two-hearted – kind to animals and yet scheming against innocent parties for money.


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