[Saturday, 4 September, 2010]
I started my day at Guoxin’s house with Wanling. After his dad returned with the car, we set off to Bukit Timah Shopping Centre. The lans shop required us to sign up as member and we refused to foot the ten bucks per person, and thus we decided to try our luck at Ang Mo Kio. After reaching there, we realised the shop was closed by 1am. Guoxin dropped Wanling at her place before sending me home.
I had some chat with my younger brother who got home later than me from Zouk, shocking me with the admission price of thirty bucks. I slept around 5am after setting the photos taken earlier on. My aunt came over with breakfast and woke us up. I went back to sleep but was disrupted numerous times.
I woke up in the mid afternoon and had my late meal. I had a few naps and also dreamed about having a super cute puppy. I felt tired throughout the day for I only had around two hours of sleep the day before.
I had dinner with my family at Maxwell food centre. After that, online news occupied my time.