No Phototaking Allowed in Singapore

An enquiry to Singapore Tourism Board:

Dear Sir/Mdm,
I have many friends from overseas who are coming over to Singapore for holidays. Therefore, I have taken a day off work to explore places with nice ambiance, unique building and restaurant, which can represent the uniqueness of Singapore. I hope the tourists can take good photos and share with their fellow country-mates.
I was exploring and taking photos around Cross Street. Referring to map now, I realised I was at the centre of the three buildings of Capital Square, which seemed like shophouses. There was a uniquely designed restaurant that seemed to serve Philippines and Thai food, which I wanted to recommend to my friends.
I did not step into any of the buildings. However, I was approached by the security to have the few of my photos deleted, including a few snapshots of the restaurant’s shop front.
May I know:
1. Are tourists not allowed to take photos in the above mentioned compound?
2. What are the other open space in Singapore that are illegal for phototaking?

A compliment to Singapore Tourism Board:

Dear Sir/Mdm,
I have earlier made an enquiry regarding phototaking in Capital Square after being stopped by their security personnel.
I did not expect your team to respond fast within a few hours to me via phone after calling their management up to check on their rules. In fact, I have realised that there are a few missed calls from the same number after I got up from my nap, showing me the seriousness from your team.
I’m filling up this form again to compliment Miss Rachel (I hope this is the correct spelling) from your team for her incredible effort, sweet voice and her extremely good approach to sympathize with my situation. I’m glad because I’m very sure she has the capability and experience to handle any enquiry/complain from anyone, including foreigners.
Hi Rachel, I hope this will put a smile on your face like how you have placed on mine. Thank you for your kind assistance.

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