Websites were down

Some of my websites that are hosted in the same server as this blog were down for the past couple of days. I thought it was due to problems with either WordPress or the fact that the server was undergoing some “upgrades”.
I decided to take action just now and send a ticket to resolve the issue.
The “beautiful” reply was “An email was sent to [email] on January 22nd by our abuse team. In the message there was: “Your account [name] has been compromised and used to host infected files. For this reason we have blocked the web access to the site. Please use the FTP service to check and clean the files of your account. ” ”
I used my FTP to down all the files on the server, which took one or two hours because the server was based in Canada (if I didn’t remember wrongly) and that there were uncounted number of files for each copy of WordPress. Then, I used my antivirus to scan through the files to remove two infected files. I removed the entire folder of the WordPress copy on the server before dragging the scanned folder over. I replied the person before I rushed out. After returning home, I saw their reply that my websites were reinstated.
I actually paid an upfront cost for around ten years for this server, which was why it was considered dirt cheap. However, I didn’t expect the service to be like shit. My important sites are hosted in local Singapore server and thus I hardly ever access the server to make changes to my websites.
They could have done something to protect their server like installing antivirus software. Once they detect any infected files, they could quarantine or delete the files straightaway, and inform me of the paths of the infected files directly. It’s ridiculous for them to simply inform me that my account has been compromised and simply block it. Somehow, I didn’t even receive their email., you are a very bad webhost and I wouldn’t recommend your service to others. You’re just a webhosting company that collects the full payment and treat your poor customers as dirt.

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