Pot Luck, Volleyball, Settlers' Café, Chinatown Complex

On the first day of the holiday, I woke up feeling weak and the entire body was strengthless.

Volleyball was stated to be at two PM but even the most important person, Mingfa, was late. I had some conversation with an uncle whom arrived shortly after me and he told me about the prospect of IT career, which was quite enlightening.

One of my favourite uncles arrived soon and he took out the “orh tar” for us to chew and soon, Mingfa arrived with my gang. We set up the court immediately before grabbing more bites on the semi “buffet”. More food came in later and the pot luck party was overwhelming.

Unfortunate that the little food I took had made my stomach so bloated that I could not take more and that it affected my performance during the games. I played badly.

During the evening, we went to Holland Village to try out gaming at the Settlers’ Café. Parking was hell difficult for the heavy flow of cars at this popular place. Free flow of drinks was near ten bucks per person. The staff who first attended us was cute and I supposed that was the greatest gain of the trip.

There were Mingfa, Grace, Weitat, Jingkun, Kok Chiang and Mingli, and Ah Teck and Wilson joined us at the end but they did not join in the fun. It was a pretty good experience and it was one of the rare things my gang would ever do. I was caught laughing the most even though I was the only who wanted to opt out at first. My hesitation was caused by my stubborn and poor time management.

At around nine PM, we went to Chinatown Complex for dinner. I was guilty for the rest of them had to travel the long distance probably because I was staying furthest away from them.

I toured around three quarters of the place but most of the stalls were closed and that I had no choice but to order a bowl of noodle. It was not an easy night for me because of my weird stomach condition. After reaching home, everything was fine.

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