[Monday, 12 April, 2010] Monday spelled laziness. I seemed to be drugged and fell onto the bed every now and then. Nothing much was accomplished except for some Facebook marketing work. In the evening, I started planning for my new site on paper. It was not even a skeleton done. Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com .
Tag Archives: daily
Mentally Gone
Sometimes when some things are totally out of our minds, we tend to overlook the existence of related stuffs. We may have remembered to erase everything from our brains, but we have also removed the memory of where the items are kept. Months later when someone happens to see them, we may be astonished, but …
A bit Late
My craving – just late for a few minutes. Now you see, now you don’t. Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com .
Cursed Day
It had been quite a nasty day with all the bad incidents. I was already on fire fighting and yet new bomb simply busted me in the early morning, two hours after midnight. A little negligence cost me the entire afternoon. My effort was worthless. Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com .
Early Morning's Chores
One of the worst things that could happen in the early morning was when you were carrying two big bags like the army days, your old neighbour saw you and wanted to pass you some fruits. When she opened the door, her dog went out and you knew her legs could not really catch up …
The Mute Woman on the Bus 52
One of the bad incidents I witnessed on the bus happened last Thursday. I was on the way to school in a packed bus 52 near Sunsetway. Standing on the right side of the bus more to the front, I suddenly heard yelling a few metres in front on the left. It seemed like a …
Sweet Simple Friday
The last weekday of the week ended quite smoothly. The morning projection of voice, the noon’s lunch with all the funniest craps, table-tennis with my favourite class and finally the rush in the theatre marked the day relaxing and entertaining. The day was a blessing. Skai Chan @ http://sillydumb.com .
The Last Day before School Starts
I started off yesterday late again. The stupidest thing was that I forgot to switch off the alarm clock and thus I was woke up in the morning over nothing. I did some packing of my work area. Tidying up and keeping of stuffs took me very long as expected. I also did some updating …
Monday was a Holiday
I had a long sleep on Monday and woke up in the afternoon, which I had not been doing for very long. It was Hari Raya and thus there was no work. The weather was freezing for the entire day and I had to put on my shirt. My mum fried noodle but the onion …
Updated Some Pictures
Last weekend was spent like usual. I stayed at home for the two days to buck up on my own work like blogging. The main achievement was that I managed to upload some pictures to the older blog entries. I probably had to give up on many older entries. I did some tidy up of …