Suggestion Forms

Key/Equipmment Movement Scanning System

There are many equipments and rooms in BLK 202. Everytime any equipment or key is drawn or returne, documents are to be updated, which takes time. During peak hours, situation worsens and lessons are being delayed due to long queue. Documents may not be updated properly as well.

A scanning system can be implemented such that all details of instructors and trainees are stored, and using of 11B to scan for each transaction for both staff and client. The system is to be connected to the intranet, such that TRMS office is able to view the rooms and equipments status any momentand able to make changes on demand.

Pulley System in BLK 202

Since BLK 202 is the training block, equipments are often moved around. This would cause injuries to the back and knees of the soldiers or contractors.

A pulley system can be installed on the top of the building so that equipments can be raised or lowered down to and fro each level. This would reduce the number of manpower and injuries.

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