Surf and sweat beach volleyball

I was late again. Being informed only during Kailin’s birthday party about the Surf and Sweat beach volleyball competition, the registration was over already.

Kachua, Anqi and Guoxin were interested in getting the shirts only, but I wanted more than that; having failed to participle in the *** inter-formation game, I wanted something competitive to house my drive. With Tze Khit’s ally, the prospect was unlimited.

I called Gim Young and he told me that he’d get his friend to put us into the waiting list, in case any team dropped out, we’d get in. However, Jianhao called me yesterday to ask me help him be a referee for the game and he said the waiting list had around ten teams, therefore it was hopeless.

I agreed to him then since I didn’t tried before though I’d be a cock up one and referees were the usual target of furious loser competitors.

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