Swimming and the shopping

Today was quite a fruitless day. I set the swimming venue at Clementi so that Kenny could join in; nevertheless, it was not as well-planned.

Kenny’s routine was to go to the gym first before swimming and tanning at Clementi Swimming Complex. He was comfortable to meet us at noon time but Gilbert insisted that the timing was too late and he wanted nine in the morning. I had haircut appointment at eight thirty and therefore the earliest was 10.30am and I was glad that Kenny could join us for a while before we left.

I was surprised that Weichuan could make it as well. He was not a swimmer but was willingly to accompany us for a short while before he went to meet other friends. Chua was late again.

I did not like it when the competition pool was quite full. There was another less crowded fifty metres pool but the troublesome Gilbert killed my idea as it was shallower.

As I was still having a bit of difficulty in breathing, I had to struggle inside the water sometimes. The earlier fast-walk together with the earlier lack of sleep and water caused tiredness in me. After Weichuan left, I had a cramp on my left toes inside the toilet.

I managed to recover fast this time and walk back to the pool to find Chua and Gilbert, but it reacted again. I stood there, trying to pretend nothing had happened and both of them left me there for their swim. I had suntan instead while Gilbert continued another eight laps to make it twenty.

We gave up on waiting for Kenny and finally he arrived after we finished bathing. He went alone for his tanning while the three of us went to the Clementi hawker centre for lunch. The yun tun mee was not very nice and Gilbert did not even finish his $3 plate. As we were eating, it started to pour and it proved Gilbert right that we should leave early.

Chua left for home while the remaining two of us took bus 51 down to Queensway Shopping Centre. It was a longer route as warned by my BMCC buddies long ago as compared to bus 197 but Gilbert thought it was better to alight nearer to the building.

Terry had called and messaged me a number of times but in the end he left for PS before we arrived. For the whole outing, I had messaged and received so many calls whereas it did not turn up so good. Sam had his Japanese class, whereas Kailin woke up only after our lunch. I seriously could have organised it at Delta Swimming Complex instead.

As we were walking around, Tze Siang arrived. I was in a dilemma whether to get a swimming goggle since I was using a very old one with lots of scratches, which belonged to my brother. Gilbert, the Shopping King (or Queen?), was rushing everywhere like usual, abandoning us like as if he was out alone.

I managed to have a glance at some items that had caught my attention. First was a $22 cap and then a very impressive shirt which cost $89, both at the same shop. Money was a big problem. One of the girls selling drinks at basement was pretty but we did not really go near to see.

As we proceeded on to Ikea, we had great time viewing all the interior designs. The lust for them was big, however, too far to be fulfilled. Gilbert was going fast on his way sometimes and my feet started to ache. There were a few nice chairs and my favourite one cost $199. Since I spent so much time in front of the computer everyday, I should have gotten myself a comfortable chair but it was definitely not within my budget.

I found another chair at the price of $45 but it was sold out already. The sale was a great pull of customers and before I realised, the first level was so packed that we could hardly move. I started to drain off and went into silent mode.

We got nothing at the end of the day. They got a bottle of mineral water each at Anchor Point, whereas Gilbert had a fingertip bite and Tze Siang could not hold his stomach longer and took a plate of chicken rice. After a little shop around while waiting for Gilbert, we bid each other goodbye.

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