Weak to nowhere

[Wednesday, 21 June, 2006]

I am too weak to type, too tired to talk and too sleepy to think.

Days of tiring work in camp, the lack of sleep and being caught in the little rain sometimes, together with some uncomfortable feeling just put me to paralyze.

The engagements in the television, the phone and the numerous popping out of chat windows, together with the current work on hands almost muted and put me to the ground. I did not want to displease anyone.

But sometimes, I tried too hard to squeeze out time, to realise that my plan did not work out. The waste of effort and waiting are mocking at me.

I do not know how far I can go on for this path is going to bring me to nowhere soon; and if I just do not buck up and still live my happy-go-luck life, I will be left with nothing in times to come – a few more months only.

I am feeling so weak.

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