The sky is falling

Greedy man could just lose everything in the end…

But I am sure that it is perfectly normal for a desire to see your other half more often. I do not know why it is so difficult for me; others can never be as pathetic.

Throughout my life of negligence and failure, I always do things half-heartedly. When time sees a perseverance turnover, a hard breaking seems to subdue all my hopes. I really think we can create a history despite the doubts, the criticism and the mocking from others, for what matters most is the hearts, but not when the barrier seems so unbreakable.

We get really accommodated to each other’s lifestyle everyday and even though she has been putting extra weariness on me somehow unnecessary, the sight of her never fails to keep me rejoiced and contented. We are both still learning the way of life and she has greatly impacted improvement on my tolerance and judgement.

There has been no one who can treat me better. She prioritises me above most things and takes every of my word seriously.

I hate myself for I cannot lie and it has been so crucial at times when I start to stumble. Sadness causes the sleepiness in me. I await the ultimate crash for I am not giving up.

The sky is falling.

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