Need an USB Port

[Tuesday, 07 November, 2006]

The current computer I am using is an old one which my elder brother fixed it up years ago with a few old computers. As the PCI to USB card was spoilt, he did not fix any for me.

So, I am perhaps one of the weirdoes who use a computer without a USB port. I am not able to connect to any printer, scanner, camera and worst of all, webcam.

I had asked Ah Boon to dig #1-14 for the card but he could not find any; we used to have so many unwanted CPUs there with all the cards ready to be thrown away but I did not notice that the CPU I was using was missing that.

I passed by the Cantonment Complex at the opposite shophouses and saw a CPU lying down there. It seemed to be abandoned by that shop’s owner, still looking fine though I only needed the PCI to USB card.

I continued on my journey home, thinking I would just go back at later hours. I discussed about it with Edgar, who urged me to go back immediately to take it. I told him that was a remote place especially at night and probably no one would take it. However, I was really excited about it and with Edgar’s persuasion, I decided to go back immediately.

Unfortunately, in half an hour’s time, the CPU was gone.

I can get the PCI to USB card at less than fifty bucks. It is not a good idea since I should not be wasting anymore money and that it is not worth the price; I could have just go for a new CPU instead since mine is so fragile with all the loose parts.

The main point, however, is not about money. The card is quite redundant and so many CPUs are thrown away everyday and we should really recycle; unless I need a USB2 port.

Someone with an old and unwanted computer, please give it to me!

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