House Viewing and Meeting up with Bunnie

[Monday, 18 December, 2006]

This morning, I woke up early and went to Haig Road alone. Mingfa was coaching and thus unable to go down with me.

I reached before 10am but Mdm Kok came at 10.30am with another lady and guy. I was quite shocked for I expected her to be younger. They were more focused about the upgrading of the flat for they did not want to waste their money renovation twice for the bathroom and toilet. They even insisted the pipes were very old ones. I tried to explain about the good points of the flat but they seemed to be unconcern about the surrounding.

After they had left, the friendly auntie next door came in to inspect the pipes and taught me that those were changed before. Then, she brought me into her house to show me her old pipes which she did not change. This auntie was so friendly that I really wished to chat with her more.

This time round, I tried taking bus at the old place where I would alight for volleyball at Chung Cheng High Secondary Main in the past, but realising I should just wait for bus 10 at Tanjong Katong Road instead of taking the long journey to wait for two buses.

Back at home, I finally managed to rest but in the midst of my sleep, calls came in and one of the agents called Cecilia arranged an appointment with me but I was supposed to open the door for her clients to view it.

So, in the afternoon, I went back again. This time round, Mingfa had tried to get there but he was later than the young couple. We went off after the rain had stopped. He accompanied me to Tanjong Katong Shopping Centre and left after using the washroom. Then, I met up with Bunnie aka Dog Dog who was happily playing game at the LANs shop.

We had our dinner at the basement. I had my fish and chips which was just normal taste. After that, I followed him to the LANs shop to watch him play World of Warcraft (WoW). I left for home after 8pm in the drizzling rain.

Then, I started the FotoQuestFishing game inside my k800i.

This night, I began to despair about the future for I would not be able to organise outings or even join other people’s outings easily other than during festivals. I need more time!

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