Server Was Down

If you were trying to access all my websites this morning after midnight, it was down definitely. I was not sure when did it start but after 4am was back to square.
Of course, if you access my blog directly at, it will work eventually. However, it will take very long time for trying to access the files from Mike’s server before it gives up. As mentioned in my main site’s “About Me > Ask Me!” page, I still prefer people to link me directly at because even I do not know when I will ever change my blog’s host.
Anyway, the problem with Mike’s server is he has a script installed which boosts the loading speed but however, requires too much system memory, which has caused the crashing of server every few weeks if he does not do anything. I am not sure if he is going to remove the script which takes up the memory.
This reminds me of my “Scheduled Downtime” image. I have asked Da Zhang to help me with it and I do not know when it will be completed for he has no holidays. After that, I will grow my skin thick and approach someone experienced with colouring using Photoshop.

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