A Sickly Working Day

[Saturday, 24 February, 2007]

The night ended late but I was waked up by Christopher at 10am. Time for viewing was finalised to be at 1.30pm. I tried to laze around but eventually got up at 11am to start packing and gobble up the food. I went to Uncle Sam’s place and realised the flooring was not done up yet and there was also this foul smell.

On the way, I realised I had forgotten to bring my water bottle again. Sneezing had also tried to keep passers-by away from me. For moments I felt weaker than usual but still insisted to walk there.

Kelly reached Ang Mo Kio earlier than me. Christopher and his clients were very nice and friendly people. We stayed there for quite long in order to clarify things and Christopher helped us to put in really good and honest words.

After the viewing, we went in separate ways. I was more caution about my health this time and went to the MacDonald’s to get a cup of drinks. However, I did not seem to be able to slip in much water into my body as my stomach was bloated somehow. It got worse over a short distance and finally my mind was all about sitting down. I persisted till only at block 343 and rested down there. I supposed my face was pale by then. Surprisingly for that around half an hour’s time, I saw at least four babes passing by.

Taking train was as torturing and tiring as when I was a cripple. Without sitting down, I felt like vomiting sometimes and the trains were badly packed to allow me to take a rest. After reaching Boon Lay station, I alighted from the train and aimed for the stone seat immediately but some groups of people were eyeing the place as well. Given my character, I would definitely walk away but this time I was left with no choice.

After getting some rest, I walked towards my destination and reached the library where I changed my black company polo shirt into a red t-shirt. I was a little drenched by then but luckily the rain stopped for me to proceed on. It was another long and tiring walk but I managed to sustain my perseverance and reached the place. It was exactly where I first met Vanessa and her group of friends.

After I reached the flat, I was very turned off to see that out of all Zijun’s guests, I only knew Kevin. I was very bored especially when I felt so sick. We had a moment of “lao yu sheng” and later was scattering around of the guests and I was alone at a corner. When Kevin was going off to meet his girlfriend, I tagged along and he drove me to the MRT station.

Finally I got to sit inside the train and I got to even choose my own seat, which was actually a wrong one. The train got more and more crowded over time before it even took off. A very well dressed guy sitting two seats away from me was stretching something and he seemed so professional, whereas I took out my book to scribble words onto it. A person came in and spoiled my mood totally after he took the seat in between me and the artist. He sat in a way which quite bothered the artist and I even though he was not that big size. I was thinking, “This ugly guy is sitting in between the Singapore greatest artist and love story writer and yet he doesn’t want to sit in a more humble way.”

Suimin contacted me to find out about the time for “bai nian” together the next day. Then, I realised she was not free in the afternoon. I quickly contact Huiying and only then she told me she had changed the time to evening, which was out of question for Suimin to join in as well. I knew I had to start calling everyone about the invasion to Anqi’s house but before I could do anything, Aida called me and informed me there could be second viewing for her clients.

I wanted to call Kelly to inform her of the good news but my mum was holding onto the phone. I also had to call Anqi’s mum to confirm about it before spreading the time. I got so irritated after waiting for very long and finally I started using my mobile phone to call Anqi’s mum and Kelly to settle the stuffs. Then, I realised Anqi had forgotten to inform her mum that we were going to her house to “bai nian”.

It was until 9.30pm, I went into the room to check on my mum for the third or fourth time, I realised she was simply scrolling down her telephone book to ring up friends for chatting. In case she would have to pay extra money for my phone bill at the end of the month, I asked her to let me use the house phone first.

In the end, the viewing for the next day was set to 2pm. Anger got to me as I began to explore more things.

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