First Day of Work at WPH

[Wednesday, 23 May, 2007]

I worked till after 2am before going to bed and had to wake up before 8am. I took a deep breath before pressing the door belt. Carol was there already and she introduced me to Sheila, who I was taking over her job from.

This is my first full-time at Web Professional House Pte Ltd ( It is basically a web design company, providing web solution for clients. We help to build up website from scratch and revamp existing websites. We deal with big clients like government sectors and I suppose we are one of the top web design companies in Singapore. My position is called Web Support and my main task is to handle requests from existing clients about their websites done by us. At the same time, I had to transfer contents of clients’ existing websites into the new websites we designed for them.

The pay may not be high but overall is good. Since I have been maintaining my own websites, I’m sure I can cope with my financial problem together with this stable income. However, it will definitely pose a hinder to my development and expansion of websites; and hopefully it will not restrict my daily updating of the sites.

I was introduced around to all the colleagues but sadly, I could not remember all of them, especially the friendly Indian programmers, who were actually great jokers. Perhaps, I needed more time to get to know all of them.

I finally got to sign the contract at Iris’ office. Afterwards, I continued with orientation to the work but everyone was always interrupted. Things were very fine since the people were good. We had lunch at Keppel where they claimed that the food was very cheap, which I thought was slightly cheaper only. The rest of the day was building up my experience with hands-on on the Dot Net Nuke CMS, which impressed me. However, the tedious work got me very sleepy.

I was not sure what time I could leave and it was weird to leave right at 6pm on the very first day of job when the rest of them were still hanging around but mainly for the sake of going out to catch a movie together. We finally left together at 6.30pm.

I was tired and dozed off some time after reaching home but I managed to wake up soon to update my websites.

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