Work, Lunch, Money and Email

[Wednesday, 06 June, 2007]

I got to learn more about computer hardware from my brother and somehow set my eyes on some parts even though I was not sure about them. I slept at 4.30am after updating my sites.

I waked up at 8am and left for work soon. When I checked my email, I was shocked to receive emails from Thomas and Elgin sent the day before when I was on leave. The stupidest thing was that they did not bother to Carbon Copy “CC” to Liza; they could have gotten the tasks done if they followed the normal procedure. I spent lots of time in settling outstanding tasks.

During lunchtime when we were dining at Amara Hotel again, I went to the UOB bank downstairs my house and joined in the long queue. I was glad that a lady approached me to assist me, such that I seemed like going for an express queue. I was so glad that the Visa mini thing was settled.

Cherie, Liza and I went back to join Nisa, Carol and Eugene at Bluemist. It was a restaurant located at the corner of the hotel, nearest to Lippo Centre. I ordered fish and chips as usual but they disappointed me with the ultra crispy (hard) French fries. The ten over bucks could have covered three to four of my lunches. It was a good experience to dine at different restaurants though. We went to Fuji Xerox’s Coffee Bean and some of them bought their drinks but I was not craving for any.

We began with work and throughout the afternoon, there were many craps. In fact, my jokes always seemed more entertaining with my new colleagues than other friends.

I left for home at around 7pm after reading through some old requests in the forum. It was pretty interesting that some of the requests started since two years ago and had dragged till this day.

I finally remembered to withdraw money for my mum and this time, I gave her two hundreds bucks instead of one hundred. I hoped she would realise I was beginning to work already and that she needed not work so hard for the pathetic pay under weird tempered bosses, which I could earn more through my websites. It was a low risk decision since my income was stable for as long as I remained in the company but no one would know what would happen in the next day. There was also another worry that my mum would waste the money. However, when I handed over the money to her, she thanked me, which I felt weird since it was somehow my duty.

While I was checking my emails, I was stunned to read the one sent by NTUC regarding the beach volleyball competition. I was so excited that my earlier submission was actually accepted. However, there was this problem that the person was asking me to send a cheque over and I did not own a cheque book. It would be much simpler if Kaven was free and I would buy the cheque from him.

I was intending to call Ying Ying after my dinner to greet her with this good piece of news and also to ask her to think of a team name. However, I dozed off right after that and only waked up at around 10pm. I finally called her after resting for a while for my giddiness to subside a bit. I had quite a long chat with her over the phone for the first time.

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