Due to the fact that I did not have a wink at all, I dozed off fast on the bus 52 from Clementi and missed the stop outside Andrew Road. I woke up in time to stop at the usual stop, at the main entrance at Macritchie Reservoir, where bus 167 stopped. It was a long way back.
CC did not insert my name into the system and thus I had to wait for some time at the guardhouse. Jesedy rescued me once again. I proceeded to fetch my clothes and went straight to the Annex Building’s toilet. After I got changed and entered the door, I realised it was the wrong storey. After slacking for a while at the casting area, Jesedy walked me to Studio 6 together with Monica.
Sara arrived later but soon dashed out to search for her outfit which had dropped along the way from the wardrobe. We took great rest for the studio was partitioned well like houses inside a flat and the mattresses were too tempting.
Filming was nice with Huang Wenyong, Chen Liping, Mizhu-jie and other old familiar faces. It was a comedy show anyway, and spirit was really great when the place was overwhelmed with kind souls. A pity for the camera was unusable and I had to stretch my thumb up to press the flash, which was quite fake.
The journey home was killing. Bus 167 arrived after a long time packed with passengers. I only managed to get a seat at around Newton. After passing by Far East Plaza, I began losing conscious in the jam until Shenton Way. The time taken for the journey home was almost doubled.