I cannot and will never understand why Lim Peihui’s students can never take part in competition with Michael Ong’s students and vice versa.
Is this a triad kind of thinking?
In the past, the few of us could not play for Ngee Ann Polytechnic because Michael Ong did not approve it. It was a terrible feeling. My volleyball career has ever since rotted from bad to worse. I’m so sick of such ruling, which is the degeneration of many players.
Stephen has been playing and going out with us for months. He has even taken part in beach volleyball with us. He is out of Shuqun and I cannot understand why he cannot play for us in the next “open” tournament.
If you were to be trained by coach A but for some reasons you do not play for coach A’s private team, you cannot play for coach B’s private team as well. Therefore, you are set as an outcast and have to give up the game? What is this logic?
We play to enjoy ourselves. We play together because we enjoy each other’s company. We play together because we trust each other but in the end we cannot play together to win honours.
If you were to be born in country A, you can never play for country B? Singapore has been sourcing for young talents from China and some of them have been winning medals for us in various international competitions. Are they betrayers? Will China condemn Singapore? Some of France’s soccer players are not born in France as well.
What I can say is that it is for the good sake of the individual players to move on. It is part and parcel of life.
There is a limit to what I can do. To think positively, at least we can play together other than in competitions. It is probably not much of my problem anymore since I probably will not be playing any longer.