Sunday at Ang Mo Kio

I finally got to swim again with Gilbert once again.

I seemed to have gotten back to the old bad habit of sleeping early that I almost got to see daylight before I kissed the bed. Thus, I could not get up in time and Gilbert’s morning call was half an hour late.

I was near to lose memory and eventually forgot to bring my swimming goggle along. I actually had experience of forgetting to bring swimming trunk along. Anyway, I called Gilbert for help when I was at the MRT station.

We met up at Ang Mo Kio Central. There was Mediacorp’s filming going on. It took us some time to figure out Zheng Ge Ping and Zhen Shi Mei were the stars. Just as I was hoping to see some familiar faces, I saw the cute PA who helped out in 手足 (Shou Zu) part one and two. I did not know her name since I got it confused with the AP. I did not go over since she probably could not remember me.

After Gilbert got a new goggle from Sportslink, we went back to the spot and practised the Singaporeans’ “kay poh” hobby again for a while before we left for the swimming pool. The sky turned grey slowly and until we finished the eighteenth lap with lots of pauses in between, we saw lightning and gave up the last two laps.

Lunch was at the Ang Mo Kio Hub’s food court. It was the first time I took chicken chop with spaghetti instead of my favourite French fries because Gilbert insisted it was healthier this way. After a short tour inside the AMK Hub, We got some cheap cute stuff at the Central and went to the Popular Book Shop. I was amazed over some home decoration books, which I would definitely get if I ever got financial stability.

The final destination was the MacDonald’s where I started dozing off.

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